American Jurisprudence Vol.53(A): Military and Civil Defense 145-End to Moneylenders and Pawnbrokers /
Ed. by Canavan, J.D. Matthew J.
American Jurisprudence Vol.53(A): Military and Civil Defense 145-End to Moneylenders and Pawnbrokers / Ed. by. Matthew J. Canavan, J.D. et. al. - 2nd Ed. - USA: Thomson/West, 2006. - 842P;, v, 25cm.
1. Military and Civil Defense (continued).
2. Mines and Minerals.
3. Mobile Homes and Trailer Parks.
4. Mobs and Riots.
5. Money.
6. Moneylenders and Pawnbrokers.
Includes Table of Laws and Rules, Key Number Table, Correlation Table and Index.
340.73 / AME
American Jurisprudence Vol.53(A): Military and Civil Defense 145-End to Moneylenders and Pawnbrokers / Ed. by. Matthew J. Canavan, J.D. et. al. - 2nd Ed. - USA: Thomson/West, 2006. - 842P;, v, 25cm.
1. Military and Civil Defense (continued).
2. Mines and Minerals.
3. Mobile Homes and Trailer Parks.
4. Mobs and Riots.
5. Money.
6. Moneylenders and Pawnbrokers.
Includes Table of Laws and Rules, Key Number Table, Correlation Table and Index.
340.73 / AME