American Jurisprudence Vol.31(A): Expert and Opinion Evidence to Extradition/
Ed. by Canavan, J.D. Matthew J.
American Jurisprudence Vol.31(A): Expert and Opinion Evidence to Extradition/ Ed. by. Canavan, J.D. Matthew J. - 2nd Ed. - USA: West Group, 2002. - 996P;, vii, 25cm.
1. Expert and Opinion Evidence.
2. Part One General Principles.
3. Part Two Particular Subjects of Expert and Opinion Evidence.
4. Explosions and Explosives.
5. Extortion, Blackmail, and Threats.
6. Extradition.
Includes Table of Laws and Rules, Correaltion Table and Index.
340.73 / AME
American Jurisprudence Vol.31(A): Expert and Opinion Evidence to Extradition/ Ed. by. Canavan, J.D. Matthew J. - 2nd Ed. - USA: West Group, 2002. - 996P;, vii, 25cm.
1. Expert and Opinion Evidence.
2. Part One General Principles.
3. Part Two Particular Subjects of Expert and Opinion Evidence.
4. Explosions and Explosives.
5. Extortion, Blackmail, and Threats.
6. Extradition.
Includes Table of Laws and Rules, Correaltion Table and Index.
340.73 / AME