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American Jurisprudence Vol.15(A): Civil Service to Condominiums and Cooperative Apartments/

Ed. by Bassano, Joseph J. J.D.

American Jurisprudence Vol.15(A): Civil Service to Condominiums and Cooperative Apartments/ Ed. by. Joseph J. Bassano, J.D. - 2nd Ed. - USA: West Group, 2000. - 857P;, ix, 25cm.

1. Civil Service.
2. Clerks of Court.
3. Collection and Credit Agencies.
4. Colleges and Universities.
5. Commerce.
6. Commercial Code.
7. Common Law.
8. Community Property.
9. Composition With Creditors.
10. Compounding Crimes.
11. Compromise and Settlement.
12. Condominiums and Cooperative Apartments.
Includes Table of Laws and Rules, Correlation Table and Index.

340.73 / AME
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