Diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. 2, From fault diagnosis to fault-tolerant control /
Diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. 2, From fault diagnosis to fault-tolerant control /
From fault diagnosis to fault-tolerant control
coordinated by Vicen�c Puig and Silvio Simani.
- 1 online resource
- Systems and industrial engineering. Reliability, diagnosis, safety and maintenance of systems .
- Systems and industrial engineering. Reliability, diagnosis, safety and maintenance of systems. .
Includes index.
Front Matter -- Nonlinear Methods for Fault Diagnosis / Silvio Simani, Paolo Castaldi -- Linear Parameter Varying Methods / Mickael Rodrigues, Habib Hamdi, Didier Theilliol -- Fuzzy and Neural Network Approaches / Marcin Witczak, Marcin Pazera, Norbert Kukurowski, Marcin Mrugalski -- Model Predictive Control Methods / Krzysztof Patan -- Nonlinear Modeling for Fault-tolerant Control / Silvio Simani, Paolo Castaldi -- Vrtual Sensors and Actuators / Damiano Rotondo, Vicenc Puig -- Conclusions / Vicenc Puig, Silvio Simani -- Open Research Issues / Vicenc Puig, Silvio Simani.
This book presents recent advances in fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of dynamic processes. Its impetus derives from the need for an overview of the challenges of the fault diagnosis technique and sustainable control, especially for those demanding systems that require reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety to ensure efficient operations. Moreover, the need for a high degree of tolerance with respect to possible faults represents a further key point, primarily for complex systems, as modeling and control are inherently challenging, and maintenance is both expensive and safety-critical. Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control 2 also presents and compares different fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant schemes, using well established, innovative strategies for modeling the behavior of the dynamic process under investigation. An updated treatise of diagnosis and fault-tolerant control is addressed with the use of essential and advanced methods including signal-based, model-based and data-driven techniques. Another key feature is the application of these methods for dealing with robustness and reliability.
9781119882350 1119882354 9781119882343 1119882346
10.1002/9781119882350 doi
9781119882343 Wiley
GBC200625 bnb
020416841 Uk
Fault tolerance (Engineering)
Tol�erance aux fautes (Ing�enierie)
Fault tolerance (Engineering)
Includes index.
Front Matter -- Nonlinear Methods for Fault Diagnosis / Silvio Simani, Paolo Castaldi -- Linear Parameter Varying Methods / Mickael Rodrigues, Habib Hamdi, Didier Theilliol -- Fuzzy and Neural Network Approaches / Marcin Witczak, Marcin Pazera, Norbert Kukurowski, Marcin Mrugalski -- Model Predictive Control Methods / Krzysztof Patan -- Nonlinear Modeling for Fault-tolerant Control / Silvio Simani, Paolo Castaldi -- Vrtual Sensors and Actuators / Damiano Rotondo, Vicenc Puig -- Conclusions / Vicenc Puig, Silvio Simani -- Open Research Issues / Vicenc Puig, Silvio Simani.
This book presents recent advances in fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of dynamic processes. Its impetus derives from the need for an overview of the challenges of the fault diagnosis technique and sustainable control, especially for those demanding systems that require reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety to ensure efficient operations. Moreover, the need for a high degree of tolerance with respect to possible faults represents a further key point, primarily for complex systems, as modeling and control are inherently challenging, and maintenance is both expensive and safety-critical. Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control 2 also presents and compares different fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant schemes, using well established, innovative strategies for modeling the behavior of the dynamic process under investigation. An updated treatise of diagnosis and fault-tolerant control is addressed with the use of essential and advanced methods including signal-based, model-based and data-driven techniques. Another key feature is the application of these methods for dealing with robustness and reliability.
9781119882350 1119882354 9781119882343 1119882346
10.1002/9781119882350 doi
9781119882343 Wiley
GBC200625 bnb
020416841 Uk
Fault tolerance (Engineering)
Tol�erance aux fautes (Ing�enierie)
Fault tolerance (Engineering)