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Planning the future of cross border families : a path through coordination /

Planning the future of cross border families : a path through coordination / edited by Ilaria Viarengo and Francesca Villata. - 1 online resource (xxxv, 940 pages) - Studies in private international law ; volume 29 . - Studies in private international law ; volume 29. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Unification of private international law in family matters in the European Union : cultural issues / Christian Kohler -- Cross-border families and social issues : a sociological analysis / Paola Bonizzoni and Luisa Leonini -- EUFam's cases and issues of Islamic law / Elisa Giunchi -- Preliminary questions / Thomas Pfeiffer and Josef Wittmann -- Matrimonial matters / Rosario Espinosa Calabuig -- Parental responsibility / Diletta Danieli -- Maintenance / Mirela Župan and Martina Drventić -- Succession / Carmen Azcárraga Monzonís -- Matrimonial property regimes / Pablo Quinzá Redondo -- Property consequences of registered partnerships / Guillermo Palao Moreno -- Finding a habitual residence / Thalia Kruger -- Habitual residence in the succession regulation / Jacopo Re -- Multiple nationalities and EU family regulations / Stefania Bariatti -- Jurisdiction / Arantxa Gandía Sellens, Amandine Faucon Alonso, and Philippos Siaplaouras -- Parallel proceedings : Lis Pendens and concurrent procedures / Mirela Župan and Martina Drventić -- Exceptio rei judicatae / Elena D'Alessandro -- Coordination among the objective connecting factors in proceedings on divorce, maintenance, property regimes, and succession / Ilaria Viarengo -- The role of party autonomy in pursuing coordination / Cristina González Beilfuss -- The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children / Maria Caterina Baruffi --The impact of the proof of foreign law / Rosario Espinosa Calabuig -- Overriding mandatory rules and public policy / Filippo Marchetti -- The fragmentation of the recognition and enforcement regimes / Thomas Pfeiffer, Mirjam Escher, and Josef Wittmann -- Forum necessitatis / Pietro Franzina -- Interaction of the Brussels IIa and maintenance regulations with (possible) litigation in non-EU states : including Brexit implications / Paul R Beaumont -- Impact of the regulations on the free movement of persons in the EU / Alessandra Lang -- Case law of the European Court of Human Rights on the application of (some of ) the EU family regulations / Patrick Kinsch -- Relationship between the 2007 Hague maintenance protocol and the prior Hague maintenance conventions / Laura Carballo Piñeiro -- The cooperation between central authorities under the Brussels IIa regulation / Andrea Schulz -- The cooperation of central authorities under the maintenance regulation / Hrvoje Grubišić -- The application of the EUFam's regulations in Croatia / Mirela Župan, Ines Medić, Paula Poretti, Nataša Lucić, and Martina Drventić -- The application of the EUFam's regulations in the Czech Republic / Lenka Válková -- The application of the EUFam's regulations in Germany / Mirjam Escher -- The application of the EUFam's regulations in Italy / Diletta Danieli and Cinzia Peraro -- The application of the EUFam's regulations in Slovakia / Lenka Válková -- The application of the EUFam's regulations in Spain / Rosario Espinosa Calabuig, Laura Carballo Piñeiro, Carmen Azcárraga Monzonís, Pablo Quinzá Redondo, Guilllermo Palao Moreno, and Carlos Esplugues Mota -- The outcomes of the online questionnaire / Caterina Fratea and Diletta Danieli -- Internationally shared good practices / Arantxa Gandia Sellens, Céline Camara, Amandine Faucon Alonso, and Philippos Siaplaouras -- Choice-of-court and choice-of-law clauses / Francesca Clara Villata and Lenka Válková -- EUFam's policy guidelines / edited by Ilaria Viarengo and Filippo Marchetti -- Model protocol for coordination among judges / EUFam's Working Group 'Judicial Committee'.

"This book is built upon the outcomes of the EUFam's Project, financially supported by the EU Civil Justice Programme and led by the University of Milan. Also involved are the Universities of Heidelberg, Osijek, Valencia and Verona, the MPI in Luxembourg, the Italian and Spanish Family Lawyers Associations and training academies for judges in Italy and Croatia. The book seeks to offer an exhaustive overview of the regulatory framework of private international law in family and succession matters. The book addresses current features of the Brussels IIa, Rome III, Maintenance and Succession Regulations, the 2007 Hague Protocol, the 2007 Hague Recovery Convention and new Regulations on Property Regimes. The contributions are authored by more than 30 experts in cross-border family and succession matters. They introduce social and cultural issues of cross-border families, set up the scope of all EU family and succession regulations, examine rules on jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement regimes and focus on the current problems of EU family and succession law (lis pendens in third States, forum necessitatis, Brexit and interactions with other legal instruments). The book also contains national reports from 6 Member States and annexes of interest for both legal scholars and practitioners (policy guidelines, model clauses and protocols)"--

9781509919871 9781509919895 9781509919888

10.5040/9781509919895 doi

European Court of Human Rights.

Conflict of laws--Domestic relations--European Union countries.
Conflict of laws--Parent and child--European Union countries.
Freedom of movement--European Union countries.
Emigration and immigration law--European Union countries.
Private International Law (Law)

KJE983.F35 / P53 2020

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